Monday 8 January 2024

Cygnet To Base Camp Tasmania

Peter gave us the location of a camp site which was an epic site, turned out to be a slightly private property, later that evening the farm manager came over and invited us to go hunting which was very cool,he asked us “howz ya tucka” we were low on food so some wallabe was shot and the hind quarters were on for, stewing, grilling and some Korma curry, he had full licence etc to cull so part of his job and he did it very well with extreme safety at the top of his list.

 The following day the actual owner came over and had a chat with us and everything was cool as he had already chatted with the farm manager who gave us a glowing report (not sure why), very nice accommodating people and we had great fun.

With the “Ride The Byroads” in our sights we headed to Geeveston then inland, we came across a camp which looked awesome although we thought we had it wrong, just around the corner is Mount Hartz National Park so we poked our noses up there …just to see.

Getting to the top we found many walks, lakes, tarns and scenery worthy.

Lake Osbourne was the shortest so we did this, the Mount was under cloud and it was cold, the next day promised to be clear so we headed back to the camp.

Establishing this was the one we had a primo spot with a table and fire pit, wasn’t long before other people crowded in and our space was narrowing.


The mission the next day was the top, we took in Lake Esperence, Ladys Tarn then on to Hartz Peak for lunch. 

Weatherwise it came clear and warm, one of the nicest days we had had so to be on top of the world of Tassie with epic view was a hell of a treat.

Making it back to camp alive the evening came in and the came was markedly quiet with a Ukrainian girl across from us and a coupla Ozzies in total.

Camp fire and final wallabe korma cookup with some wine we were sorted.


Base camp Tasmania our next desto via the Byroads Ride we found an empty section of road and had not seen anything or anyone for 60km.

Having just bought a DJI 4 Pro drone to upgrade the viewer interaction we needed to try it and use it to get there way to use it.

We were trying the “follow me” function but our parameters were not set correctly as yet.

Nearing the end of the first battery we set it down so it did not do return to home…some 3 km away.

Just as we started to turn around a bus and trailer came thundering over the horizon and we shit ourselves thinking that is the end of that…with the expensive empty feeling.

We rode back and there is was, alive and well, unscathed from its underworld experience having been missed by mm by 8 wheels.

We couldn’t believe our luck, the Moto Travel Gods were defo on our side somehow.

After this undie soiling event we packed it away and headed to New Norfolk for fud….and stiff gin.

Up at base camp we settled in after meeting Steve and his good lady the owners.

Sitting down chatting I asked Ellen did we get the bus footage or not?, she didn’t know so we checked and sure enough in the interest of looking after you lot by way of extreme footage it was there and we laughed so loud people in the camp just steered at us…not knowing firstly the relief and second the absurd recording we had managed.

Houston and Emily had also organized to come to sit out the impending bad weather, they arrived and managed to setup up just before the rain, that evening it biffed it down so again we were greatfull for a Hilliberg Staica 2 which stood its ground, Houston got some drops on his head and some water under the floor.

Basecamp Tasmania, on Wikicamps you can only give it 5 stars, it deserves 6 plus and it is because of the owners (also the location), Steve is an awesome lad who takes keen interest in all the guests with personal interaction leaving no one to feel left out.

Steve said he would come up in the afternoon and have some gins with us as the weather rapidly deflated, in true form armed with two bottles of gin and some tonic we had great fun and chats with tasting from ours, Steves and Houstons gins.

Steve even opened his workshop and lent us a disc grinder/cutter so we managed to cut down out tarp poles to fit into our tent case, onya mate the little things like this make a moto travellers day.  

As a helping hand to a guy who has a day job, running the camp, looking after the fresh bub etc we promised to and took to cleaning the central kitchen area, with 4 of us getting into it we were done in 20 minutes and the place looked spiffing.

All in all this place and location rocks and the camp owners are leading the way on how to treat travel muppets.

Vid of dangermouse drone






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