Greetings readers, first off I am very happy to report that my ribs have finally stopped crunching thus I am on the mend, the difference in pain levels between crunching and not crunching is night and day and fair to say enthusiasm levels have increased with it.
So what has been happening? ... nothing extreme but still lots of cool stuff.
We had a Sabado Sushi at a local shop/cafe however the owner didn’t do much advertising so it was very quiet, coupled with that mum nature come to the party and doused Antigua down so this probably didn’t help.
Did this matter? ... hell no ... had HEEPS more Sushi for us, Gene and Neda joined us as well so we shouted them lunch just for fun, later afternoon the roof tarpaulin started ponding and the supporting (lack of) structure was groaning under the weight so we decided to vacate the “swipe “zone and the owner managed to empty the pond and avoid disaster.
Ellens sushi
The shop owner Axle
Even with the weather still going well Gene and Neda had to go so they made these stunning rain coats outa rubbish bags....I think it will catch on.
Some minor custom tailering
Gene and Neda invited TMK and team Guaterider to have tea at Casa Ride DOT, Neda was doing a special dish from Croatia.
Samplings of red wine, local chocolates etc and it was a very enjoyable evening all round, Gene and I also swapped movies for the rainy days....somehow we all missed fud photos ...I think we were all to hungry and inspired by the great tucker put in front of us.
Gene and Ellen .... they look more normal than Ellen and I
Back to motorcycle stuff now, after all the brake work Maya was ready to race again, nice to see her in the courtyard playing with smaller kids.
I finally got out on Maya for a short ride nearly 5 weeks after our crash, the night prior I checked the front tire pressure as we had a problem with a sticky valve ... pressure was 20 PSI ... bit low but enough for the short ride and around on the cobled streets here.
This my friends is what a really contented look looks like after 5 weeks off her, I slithered across the seat soas no to upset anything in the rib department and the feeling to sit back on the bike was ...actually hard to explain, a combo of
Well, 6.30am I headed out to Maya ..... front tire TOTALLY flat .... argh fook so out with the pump, good exercise anyway with the hand pump, I could feel my ribs .... tire pumped and ready to race it was a short test the brakes ride and test my body ride, so I left Ellen and luggage at la casa and Maya and I went out.
The brakes worked perfectly with new blood in their veins and new pads on the back, I ended up pulling the front system as well as we had half a bottle of fluid, the front caliper bottom piston was slightly sticky but ok but well worth the service to have everything working how it should with proper adjustment.
I wasn’t very long away but I felt ok body wise, still saw but on the improve but no double backflips just yet, during the ride I noticed the steering was out of line to the left from our binning so I undid the top triples and straightened this up.
Now Mikes favourite bunny has been playing to the audience, spotted here the bunny was giving Ellen some patting lessons .... I think she past but he has a dodgy look on his face....not entirely sure about this tongue thing
He also likes to dig .. who woulda thought eh?, note the second dodgy look on his face along the lines of piss off I am digging
With variable weather here at the turn of seasons we get a mixed bag of weather but some days after the rains we are treated to spectacular view of what Antigua has to offer.
This from our roof top where I took the previous rain and clouds shot, Antigua is stunning.
Today on my ride I passed a ute ... at least I think it was ... the bloody thing was so bent the doors did not shut and the driver and passenger were holding them as closed as they could so I got ahead of and just HAD to take a pic ... I still can’t believe this POS is on the road.
Sunday was an early breakfast with Julio and Luisa, heading outa town there was a disgruntled local who was upset about trucks so he blocked the road COMPLETELY.
Me bein a gringnotunderstandingwhatisgoingon took some photos ... well it seemed he thought I was taking photos to report him and he got right grumpy at me (so I found out later) he took photos of us (hope my hair looked ok) and he duly cleared off soas not to get dobbed in to the feds ... classic didn’t know this until we were sitting down having breaky ... Julio, Luisa and Officer TMK
So the place we rode to had great smoked sausages, breakfast was had and sausages were bought and home we went taking back roads and going to a church on the way home to wash our sins away ... unfortunately they didn’t have enough water or trees for me and having to give away money and booze didn't hit my spot.
The LEDs really set it off for me
That afternoon was a celebration of fud and bebes for Gene and Nedas one year on the road....well done guys and nice to share the occasion with you.
No pics of that either
More to come ..... later.
Goodnight and luv to all
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