Sunday 12 May 2024

Housten, Emily, Parks And Lumps.

We were meeting Housten and Emily for the last time before they bolt north which was really nice, we had a spare day in between so we disappeared to Cape LeGrande.

Cape Arid…we tried anyway, this road was, without doubt the worst road for coros we have ever ridden, so much so we left 21km on the table and turned back, when I say they were bad there was no reprieve whatsoever of bolt breaking bearing fucking coros it simply went from very bad to nearly unrideable.


Mrs Garmin led us astray slightly so again for the second attempt we did not make it to where we were going to stay.

My fuse for shitty show stopping stuff was gettin short, we stopped, reassessed…. Again and decided to go coastal given we were almost there, a two minute ride down to the beach area unveiled a great wee camp site out of the wind, as it would turn out we ended up having the place to ourselves which was so peaceful.

A walk along the beach and around the camp area and to another area was great to loosen the creaky bones, a shipwreck providing some interesting viewing.

 A little more exploring and some stunning white sandy beaches and off back to Esperance for new tyres and meet Houston and Emily.


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