Sunday 12 May 2024

Venus To Gawler NP

Time to get our rocks off and on.

Heading up to the town of Venus for some supplies before heading inland the wee town was beautiful.

Ellen left me…just for a walk tho, I opted out having twisted my knee the day prior, I know harden up princess but it was so saw I was limping badly and I was thankful for having the Russian girlfriend with three legs.

Toughing it out at the café over a Cappuccino I watched the world go by and answer a few UDF's as well, multitasking my way through this epic event until Ellen came back from her walk.

Tcharkuldu rock, yeap that is what it is called and it happens to be a campground right there and by donation which we left.

This place is cool, a big monolith of bedrock you can walk on and get a viewpoint from.

Interestingly enough there is a small wall all around the perimeter of the rock base that is set to falls, this is to catch the rain water that falls as it won’t soak into the rock and comes straight off into the channel and all the way down to a water race which feeds into a holding tank which is probably 20 metres round and probably 5-6 meters deep….great system for getting the limited water and making the most of it.

Good cave man fire to cook on

Yup cookin
Our own we covered area
See the low height wall
A great nights sleep with a very peaceful camp and we talked too our neighbours who came across to for a chat, you would believe it the lady was born in Wanaka and we know her family and some mates…hard case to meet in the middle of nowhere.

Pildappa rock, yeap that is what it is called, a small Eyres Rock with undercut overhangs like a wave, awesome just sticking up in the middle of nowhere.

I will let the pics do the talking.

From here we aimed for the Gawler National Park, well the road was shit, I like a good and challenging back road but this was corrugation central with the road is very bad repair. Poor old skippy was shaking like she had seen a grizzly bear.

Then to cap it off the five waterfalls we went to visit were bone dry, all in all we both felt the park was pretty overrated and there were better things to see and do, win some lose some.      

Some cool stone formations tho

The evening drew in and gave us an opportunity to try some night shots, something went wrong as it turned our V8 troopie full kitted into a Ural and tent...bloody phones 8-D  

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