Pretty epic view of hanging glacial basins
From the town square, beautiful buildings as well
Time to head on we rode up and over the national park on different road seeing us get up into the snow line with ease.
Picture of IDNA
The tunnel
Near the top there was a turnoff which we took only to get a wee ways along and find a showstopper rock fall which we could not fit through and rocks I could not move without dynamite ... which we didn’t have.
Having been stopped at this point the camera came out and the most was made of the top shelf scenery in front of us, behind us the weather was crapping out very quickly with snow laden cloud and rain so it was time to move, a slight backtrack was required.
Again up at 4780 meters this is the second highest point we have been on our trip so far and only 100 meters below Chimborazo in Ecuador.
The valley was long with the usual Peruvian style zig zag and of course right hand drive bus and cars????!!!!!
Look closely at the picture you can see there are about 10 - 12 tiers of the zig zag down
Ellen and I have decided to start an import business in Peru with right hand drive cars and buses as the Peruvians really don’t like driving on their side of the road, so we should make it easier for them buying the right hand drives!!
The other thing we have found is Peruvians seem to send their dogs to “chase the moto skool” with some of them really going hard, I bought a stainless steel cup which is attached to my tank bag on the left, it is full of rocks and everyday requires a reload....some dogs make rethink their attack mode afterwards.
See the zig zag in between the sign posts above Maya
Great place to relax and laziboy it to take in the valley
Down to humanville we hooked a lefty to Huaraz which was destination for two nights.
We had a failed attempt to go to Lake Llaron but with weather and track condition turning us around and we headed back to town, the weather caved in badly which means we would not be able to see a thing anything ... bumma but never mind.
The hostel was nice run by a friendly girl who was helpful, we provided the entertainment getting Maya in and out of the front door which was narrower than our handle bars.
From here we decided to head to the coast ..... warmer yes .... back to the sandpit.
Here is the little summary for our little ride from Chacas to Huaraz
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