The crowded market outside our hotel garage
Nearing the edge of town we were needing to fuel up, in true form the lady (bitch) would not serve us and was quite anti, so she got it back and with some Kiwi love thrown in too.
Finally out of town and gased up we hit the road to the famous death road, crystal clear views and nice ride, on turning off to the death road it was foggy and misty but not raining this time so we were on a win.
At the start of the road
Not long into it we stopped and waited for a digger to clear some rocks from the road, we left the bikes and walked about 100 meters to see the happenings for 5 minutes, on our return some wanker had stolen the drink bottle from the back of our case, you can’t leave anything here unattended for a minute cos some Bolivian retard will lightfinger it.
Now for the funny part, this is my “piss tin”, when we camp I use it for a having a piss in during the night so I don’t have to climb out and back in so some Boliviano wanker has my tin tainted with piss, I seriously hope the fucker gets a sore guts and chucks his ring out.
Now the shitty part, there was a bus parked behind us and the driver was in it and did not get out so he would have seen someone steal it, when I asked him it was basically “see no evil hear no evil”, the buses were all tour operators for the mountain biking so he would know who did it but just covered for them. ...wankers
Rant over (for todays shit) we carried on down to the famous corner then the famous cliff and waterfall.
While it was neat we have ridden far more dangerous roads in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru thus I felt it was a bit over rated.
We did the usual pics and returned back up to the main highway, pissed off about some wanker nicking the bottle and a little disappointed, at least that is ticked off and I am not wandering any more.
Gail on his 12 GS
Guess who
Now the road to Caranarvi was closed until 5 pm which would have seen us late to town, they road team people let us go at 4.30 so we got a jump on the rest of the rally driver taxis.
So, this to me is where the death road really is because it it tight, narrow and the chance of dying are greater with you fall straight into a rumbling gorge many meters below.
It was a cool ride apart from the taxi drivers (they must be from Peru).
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