The sky provided us with some neat colours again.
Interesting moss on a rock
The digs
Some unusual growths in front of the digs
Inside the digs ... check it out!!!
C o f f e e
We looked across the plato from chez Delis stone mansion and thanked the Adventure Motorcycling and camping gods for great digs and great riding and great place, I am not the religious type but someone/something needed to be thanked.
Upon packing up we headed north toward Adel, then left on highway 140 on black top through a twisty road to Lakeside, nearly lunchtime we decide to food up at Safeway and head across to Subway for lunch after.
Doing the tarseal cowboy bit
Lunch and food shopping done it was time to fill the machinery as well prior to making our way to Crater Lake, we past many small towns and within an uneventful ride we arrived at about 3.00pm at Crater Lake National Park, only one camp ground open now and it is $21.00 (with no BJ with that...fark).
No biggy given the last nights huge bonus so swings and roundabouts, the day was still stunning although cooling a lot quicker a lot earlier, the notice on Yogi Bears booth saying last night was 33 deg f (nearly zero for normal people).
Camp set up was in order and we decided to use the rest of the day with a short walk out of camp and loop back up, the creek at the bottom of the gully offered us beautiful spring colours which are filling our days more and more every day.
We found permanent frosting already on the track much to our surprise and a sure indication that winter is setting in fast.
Dodgy bridge
Stunning creek and colours
Most excellent autumn colours providing a surface that looked like a heavily decorated cake
A blue bird that neither of us can remember the name of ... it a bugga gettin old.
Tea (Dinner) was Macaroni cheese after cheese and crackers for the entree, Wallace and Grommitt woudla been at home here.
An earlier night with pitch black and low temperatures was had after our fire died down about 8.00pm.
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