We left Guerrero Negro in stunning weather other than bloody cold again but we rugged up and enjoyed it.
Not even 50 km down the road mum nature got angry with wind and wind gusts that saw us drop to 30 - 40 km/hr at stages and riding far enough over I thought we were gonna get a knee down.
We rode through sandstorm after sandstorm with the road coming alive with swirling sand in an instant then being blown off just as quick, pics never do it justice..
Every truck that came past was new mission in learning to stay upright ... kinda fun for a while however with me still sporting my bad flu this soon wore off to a chore.
It really took it out of me reverse counter steering for upwards of 200km and little reprieve, as luck would have it I was thinking I need a break and we came upon a Military checkpoint, still blowing and cold we got off the bike very carefully as I could see Maya going to ground.
After the cars and truck had cleared it was our turn to explain WTF we were doing out in this weather .... but they just waved us on with the gun and big smile so we carried on with a big smile.
The rest of the trip was uneventful other than big winds, on arrival we looked for a Hotel, couldn’t find one at a reasonable price so we got some lunch instead to get a level head and I was stuffed and needed some hot input for energy.
After that we found a half reasonable place out of the town centre with off street parking as a lady said don’t leave you bike in town!!
A walk back into the town to buy supplies and take a look at the church that was designed by the dude who designed the Eiffel Tower.
Not a hugely impressive lace but kinda cool with its historical background.
On the way back from town we spotted this..
This was the view across the sea of cortez from where we stayed
This was someone moving house Mexican style.
Again, Tacos for Tea, Gin for desserts and early to bed after typing this up, 8.17pm ... I am knackered ..... anyone wonna swap a hangover for the flu???
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