Part way along the Hummingbird Highway we past a R80 BMW and 250 Sherpa with big waves so we stopped and turn around to catch up to find it was Billy and Trish.
Two neighbours havin a great laugh ... see the spastic face
The 250 Sherpa had 180000 km on it
Being Kiwis and Ozzies we had “a bloudy guod cutch up maite” on the side of the road.
Travels, motorcycle, federals, breakdowns, camping etc you get the gig, saying goodbye and sending them on their way we continued towards Guatemala border.
It was painless leaving Belize and partly painless getting into Guatemala UNTIL we had to get our TVIP.
The nice fat bastid behind the counter was very unhelpful and could not be bothered and clearly we were interrupting his day of doing nothing.
He wanted a photo copy of the stamp he just gave us???? and Ellen had to go back across the bridge to Belize to get a copy have to be joking ... nup it was for real.
He was probably half way through our paperwork when a small buzzer went off beside him, he hoped up and walked off .... out of the building and down the street....gone.
Apparently it was lunchtime so he just dropped everything and left ... we were still standing their wondering WTF has happened, an hour later after the fat bastid had made himself fatter he returned and very unwantingly took 2 - 3 minutes to finish us up.... couldn’t believe it.
The que by this time was monstrous .... I hope he had a good lunch.
Hmmm, I have to admit I had to walk outside and get a drink of water to clear my head and stop me from getting angry with someone who clearly just does not give a shit and stuffed it in our face.
On a brighter note all our paperwork was in place and we were away to Flores on nice paved roads for the most of it.
Arriving at Flores we went over to “the island” and found a good priced hotel with a courtyard that we could pull Maya apart in to fix an intermittent electrical fault.
Tea was bar b q chicken with salad and chip and was absolutely a great feed.
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