We had heard various things about Tena but to be honest it was a stopover only point with Banos in mind for us.
They do however have a cool bridge across to river at the confluence of two rivers .... that was Tena.
The moon through the cables
With Banos in sight we headed down the black top, a coupla small welcomed showers cooled us nicely before heading up to Banos.
Wasn’t long and we were sorted for acomm and taking the place in, it is a little more touristy than normal which is a nice change after mucking around in the sticks.
Plenty to do there and a very nice place to kick back for a few days ... which we managed to do.
While there we ran into the Canadian hooligans Robert and Marrylou again, we met them at Papallacta hot springs so that was cool.
We made a sad attempt to buy wine but NOT on a Sunday there ... lucky the hotel did, four bottles of red later and the rum gone we walked home at just before 1.00am in the pissing rain ... it was awesome.
Photo courtesy of Marrylou as we broke our cardinal rule and went out WITHOUT our camera ... thank you Marrylou ..... we just need one with you guys too.
While walking back we were the only ones on the street until four local lads piled out of a doorway and started dancing and hooharring in the street in the heavy rain before dropping the only clothing they were wearing (gruds) and doing a noody dash up the street ... it was so funny.
We took the time to take in Banos, including the hike around the back of town and a well deserved and good coffee overlooking town.
Banos being in the valley allows you to climb to great heights on both sides of the valley, unfortunately the volcano did not play with us and was a little camera shy, can't win em all.
Given this was our tourist week we did several things locally,
The cable car over the river to a waterfall
Sat with some amigos .. they were a bit quiet and standoffish
Given banos kinda means bathroom and it is a long drop to to town ... well
Took Marylou and Robert for a small ride on Maya
Rode the old road
Ellen took a photo of a waterfall filling up a church ... should be full by now
Had lunch beside a river
Next up .. to man who has ridden who has ridden the America on a KTM 525 EXC ....
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